Apr 20 Facebook Live - Disrupting the Fashion Industry: Fashion Revolution 2020
Apr 20 Facebook Live - Disrupting the Fashion Industry: Fashion Revolution 2020
Apr 20 Facebook Live - Disrupting the Fashion Industry: Fashion Revolution 2020
Apr 20 Facebook Live - Disrupting the Fashion Industry: Fashion Revolution 2020
Apr 20 Facebook Live - Disrupting the Fashion Industry: Fashion Revolution 2020
Apr 20 Facebook Live - Disrupting the Fashion Industry: Fashion Revolution 2020
Apr 20 Facebook Live - Disrupting the Fashion Industry: Fashion Revolution 2020
Apr 20 Facebook Live - Disrupting the Fashion Industry: Fashion Revolution 2020

Apr 20 Facebook Live - Disrupting the Fashion Industry: Fashion Revolution 2020

Regular price $0.00 Sale


20 April Monday 8-9pm

Facebook LiveFashion Revolution 2020

A community conversation led by Fashion Clinic co-founder, Kay Wong, celebrity guest, Natalie Tong along with Johanna Chan of RIL CREED and Natalie Chow of Lacess both passionate founders of sustainable fashion labels on the stories behind your shoes and bags. How did we become the rebels in this Fashion Revolution? We will demonstrate how to repair and clean your bags and shoes at home. Let's recreate new memories with your pre-loved items!

Fashion Revolution Week 2020420-26日)

Fashion Revolution Week 每年4月舉行,藉著紀念孟加拉拉納廣場的成衣廠倒塌慘劇中喪生的1134個工人,推動行業與消費者重新思考時尚的意義和代價。雖然今年遇上肺炎疫情,我們仍然希望在此期間透過線上線下的媒體,推行這重要的全球運動。我們將邀請名人嘉賓身體力行時尚起義,記錄他們的體驗,與大眾分享,計劃中包括:

20/4 星期一, 晚上8-9時:時尚起義 2020, facebook live @fash_rev_hk :

Kay@Fashion Clinic; Johanna@Ril Creed;  Natalie@Lacess, 和嘉賓:唐詩詠,一起談談如何重新建構時裝工業。 Ril Creed 創辦人 Johanna Lacess 創辦人 Natalie 亦會即場分享她們如何修補和清潔你家中被遺忘或有瑕疵的手袋鞋履。舊物總帶點不完美,但美好的回憶可以重塑!